Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ( TMNT ) Complete Series HD

                                The series covers a large scope of the Turtles' adventures taking them from the sewers, to outer space, alternate dimensions, to the future, and ultimately home once more. The first several seasons focus on the Turtles' battles against The Shredder and The Foot, while the later seasons branch out to include other antagonists.

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  1. first I would like to thank you for your hard work in encoding this series . There is an episode that is missing and the other is a duplicate of another episode

    Season 3 EP 24 - is a duplicate of Season 3 EP 25
    Season 5 EP 6 - Missing

  2. Also missing > Season 6 EP 18

  3. Will Try to find new links as early as possible. Thanks for notifying me :) Visit blog for more updates :)
